Paró el coche en mitad de la carretera oscura como la boca del lobo. "Ay Dios, dónde me metí", volví a pensar una vez más. Pero recordé esa canción que me puso Valentina antes de salir de casa 8 meses atrás, como cada vez que necesito coraje: " Y que sea lo que sea".
Se adentró en el bosque: "Sígueme". Agarré su mano con decisión y en su palma sentí que esta solo era otra vida más donde nos volvíamos a encontrar. Confía. Y caminamos guiados por el tacto de las ramas. Un sonido fuerte y seco sonó a nuestras espaldas. "Es un canguro". Y otro golpe y otro y cada vez más cerca y más fuerte. Aceleramos el paso. No sé si sería la adrenalina, el miedo, no saber dónde estaba ni a dónde iba pero por el sonido de sus pisadas me pareció que debía medir más de dos metros. No lo vi pero su imagen imperial la guardo para siempre.
Giró a la derecha y apartó unas ramas. La frondosidad del bosque encantado custodiaba en su interior un lago mezclado con nenúfares y estrellas. El agua cálida y espesa era aceite medicinal proveniente de los árboles de té. Recordé la luna llena de dos semanas atrás y por ende esa noche no había rastro de ella. Caminé hasta la orilla hipnotizada y me cubrí entera en las aguas negras donde texturas y cuerpos desconocidos se acercaban y rozaban mi piel. Sin sobresaltos, tranquila buceé y buceé. Yo solo era un elemento más.
He stopped the car in the middle of the road, dark as the wolf's mouth. "Oh God. What am I doing?", I thought one more time. But the song that Valentina had shown me when I was about to leave home 8 months ago sounded in my head: "Y que sea lo que sea" [=Be that as it may].
He went into the forest: "Follow me". I gripped his hand and his palm made me know that this was just another life where we meet once again. Trust. And we walked guided by the branches. A strong noise sounded behind us: "It's a kangaroo". And another and another and it was becoming closer and closer. We accelerated our pace. Maybe it was the adrenaline, the fear, not knowing where I was or I was going but the sound of its jumps made me think that he could be 2 meters. I didn't see it but I'll keep his aura's image forever.
He turned right and pulled away some brunches. The enchaned forest guarded inside a lake mixed with water lilies and stars. The warm and dense water was oil from the tee trees. I remembered the full moon was two weeks ago when I saw that it was nowhere to be seen that night. I walked hypnotized to the shore and I covered myself with the black water. Unknown textures and bodies grazed my skin. No fear, only peace, I dived and dived. I was just another element.
He went into the forest: "Follow me". I gripped his hand and his palm made me know that this was just another life where we meet once again. Trust. And we walked guided by the branches. A strong noise sounded behind us: "It's a kangaroo". And another and another and it was becoming closer and closer. We accelerated our pace. Maybe it was the adrenaline, the fear, not knowing where I was or I was going but the sound of its jumps made me think that he could be 2 meters. I didn't see it but I'll keep his aura's image forever.
He turned right and pulled away some brunches. The enchaned forest guarded inside a lake mixed with water lilies and stars. The warm and dense water was oil from the tee trees. I remembered the full moon was two weeks ago when I saw that it was nowhere to be seen that night. I walked hypnotized to the shore and I covered myself with the black water. Unknown textures and bodies grazed my skin. No fear, only peace, I dived and dived. I was just another element.
5 comentarios:
Envidia, envidia, envidia!! ;P
Os sigo desde hace años, pero nunca me había animado a escribir, pero lo que has escrito....PRECIOSO
Gracias Sara preciosa, qué alegría conocerte ;)
Nereida!! Pues ya sabes;) mochila al hombro y a la aventura!! ;););)
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